Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019


Hasil gambar untuk struktur organisasi pt danone golden

Uraian Pekerjaan :
1. Dewan Komisaris
-          melakukan pengawasan atas jalannya usaha PT dan memberikan nasihat kepada    direktur
-          dalam melakukan tugas, dewan direksi berdasarkan kepada kepentingan PT dan sesuai dengan maksud dan tujuan PT.
-          kewenangan khusus dewan komisaris, bahwa dewan komisaris dapat diamanatkan dalam anggaran dasar untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas tertentu direktur, apabila direktur berhalangan atau dalam keadaan tertentu

2.      Direktur Utama
-          memimpin perusahaan dengan menerbitkan kebijakan-kebijakan perusahaan
-          memilih, menetapkan, mengawasi tugas dari karyawan dan kepala bagian (manajer)
-          menyetujui anggaran tahunan perusahaan
-          menyampaikan laporan kepada pemegang saham atas kinerja perusahaan

3.      Direktur Keuangan Finance & Accounting
-          Mengelola fungsi akuntansi dalam memproses data dan informasi keuangan untuk menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang dibutuhkan perusahaan secara akurat dan tepat waktu.
-          Mengkoordinasikan dan mengontrol perencanaan, pelaporan dan pembayaran kewajiban pajak perusahaan agar efisien, akurat, tepat waktu, dan sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah yang berlaku.
-          Merencanakan, mengkoordinasikan dan mengontrol arus kas perusahaan (cashflow), terutama pengelolaan piutang dan hutang, sehingga memastikan ketersediaan dana untuk operasional perusahaan dan kesehatan kondisi keuangan.
-          Merencanakan dan mengkoordinasikan penyusunan anggaran perusahaan, dan mengontrol penggunaan anggaran tersebut untuk memastikan penggunaan dana secara efektif dan efisien dalam menunjang kegiatan operasional perusahaan.
-          Merencanakan dan mengkoordinasikan pengembangan sistem dan prosedur keuangan dan akuntansi, serta mengontrol pelaksanaannya untuk memastikan semua proses dan transaksi keuangan berjalan dengan tertib dan teratur, serta mengurangi risiko keuangan.
-          Mengkoordinasikan dan melakukan perencanaan dan analisa keuangan untuk dapat memberikan masukan dari sisi keuangan bagi pimpinan perusahaan dalam mengambil keputusan bisnis, baik untuk kebutuhan investasi, ekspansi, operasional maupun kondisi keuangan lainnya
-          Merencanakan dan mengkonsolidasikan perpajakan seluruh perusahaan untuk memastikan efisiensi biaya dan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perpajakan

4.      Direktur Pemasaran Sales & Marketing
-          Menentukan harga jual, produk yang akan dilaunching, jadwal kunjungan serta system promosi untuk memastikan tercapainya target penjualan
-          Memonitor perolehan order serta merangkumkan forecast untuk memastikan kapasitas produksi terisi secara optimal
-          Memonitor jumlah stock seluruh Dept. Sales & Marketing untuk memastikan umur stock perusahaan tidak melebihi target yang telah ditentukan.
-          Menganalisa dan mengembangkan strategi marketing untuk meningkatkan jumlah pelanggan dan area sesuai dg target yang ditentukan
-          Menganalisa dan memberikan arah pengembangan design & warna, untuk memastikan pengembangan produk sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar

5.      Direktur Personalia
-          Merencanakan perekrutan karyawan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing departemen. 
-          Mengatur kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan karyawan dan menciptakan suasana kerja yangnyaman dan berdisiplin.
-          Menampung dan mencari keluhan karyawan.
-          Mengatur dan merencanakan training untuk peningkatan ketrampilan karyawan.
-          Bertanggungjawab terhadap disiplin kerja karyawan.

6.      Direktur Produksi
-          Mengendalikan semua proses produksi perusahaan.
-          Mengontrol jalannya proses produksi.

Selasa, 02 April 2019

Article Economy with Tenses

Higher premiums for banks with lower ratings: LPS

A differential premium system (DPS) imposed by deposit insurance corporations on banks and other financial institutions encourages beter risk management, and expert has claimed. According to the deposit insurance corporation’s (LPS) executive chairman, Kartika “Tiko” Wirjoatdmodjo, the implementation of a DPS would eventually help ensure the stability of the country’s financial system.
“Banks that have a low rating on our soundness scale, due to their high risk of failure and poor management, will be charged higher premiums compared to those that score better ratings,” he said on Friday on the sidelines of the Third International Workshop on Intergrated Protection Scheme held by the agency in Nusa Dua, Bali.
“That will motivate them to improve their management systems and their ratings in order to avoid paying high premiums. It will benefit us as wellbecause it will enhance our financial stability,” he added.
The LPS hopes to introduces a DPS this year to replace the current system that imposes an annual o.2 percent premium equally on all banks on their average thirdparty funds. Under the new system, the annual rate will be set at between 0.1 percent and 0.3 percent, depending on each bank’s rating.
It has prepared five rating levels, which are calculated using three indicators – a bank’s own financial ratios; a bank soundness assessment evaluated by the Financial Services Authority’s (OJK); and the bank’s compliance with LPS regulations.
The annual rate will stand at 0.1 percent for banks with a rating of 1, 0.15 percent for a 2 rating, 0.2 percent for a 3 rating, 0.25 percent for  a 4 rating, and 0.3 percent for a rating of 5. According to Tiko there are about 10 commercial lenders in the country that qualify for a 5 rating.
At the moment, the LPS only covers saving or deposits up to a maximum of Rp 2 billion (US$ 176,113) for each Indonesian Depositor. It requires banks to charge a maximum of 7.5 percent interest rate for deposits in rupiah, 1.5 percent for deposits in foreign currencies and 10 percent for deposits in rural banks (BPR).
Its insurance members comprise 109 commercial banks, 11 sharia banks and around 1,700 BPRs. The total of insured deposits in commercial and sharia banks amounted to Rp 2.11 quadrillion as of December 2013, equal to 147.63 million accounts. No data is currently available on the BPR’s deposits.
Meanwhile, Yee Ming Lee, the general manager for policy and International division at the Perbadanan  Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PDIM), which is Malaysia’s deposit insurance corporation, said that Malaysian lenders had been coming to the agency, looking for assistance to improve their risk management system.
The PDIM has set its annual premium rates from 0.05 percent to 0.4 Percent, established the deposit protection limit at 250,000 ringgits ($76,233) per depositor, and divides lenders into four rating levels.
Currently there are 27 commercial banks and 21 islamic banks operating in the country. Lee said that banks might need to invest more in information technology and internal control to assist them with improvments in their risk-management systems.
Formula Tenses:
1. Other financial institutions encourages beter risk management
    Simple present tense ( S + V1 (s/es) + O )
2. Expert has claimed
    Present perfect tense (S + Have /Has + V3 +O +Adv. Of time)
3. The implementation of a DPS would eventually help ensure the stability of the country’s financial
    Simple present tense ( S + V1 + O)
4. He said on Friday on the sidelines of the Third International
    Simple Past Tense ( S + V2 + O+Adv. Of time)
5. That will motivate them to improve their management systems
    Simple future ( S + Will + V1 + O)
6. It will benefit us as well
    Simple future ( S + Will + V1 + O)
7. It will enhance our financial stability
    Simple future ( S + Will + V1 + O)
8. he added
     Simple past tense ( S + V2 + O )
9.  The LPS hopes to introduces a DPS this year
     Simple present tense ( S + V1 (s/es) + O )
10. Current system that imposes an annual o.2 percent premium equally on all banks on their      
      average thirdparty funds.
      Simple present tense ( S + V1 (s/es) + O )
11. The annual rate will be set at between 0.1 percent and 0.3 percent
       Simple future ( S + Will + V1 + O)
12. It has prepared five rating levels
      Present perfect tense ( S + Have/has + V3 + O)
13. The annual rate will stand at 0.1 percent for banks
      Simple future ( S + Will + V1 + O)
14. It requires banks to charge a maximum of 7.5 percent interest rate for deposits in rupiah
       Simple present tense ( S + V1 (s/es) + O )
15. Its insurance members comprise 109 commercial banks
      Simple present tense ( S + V1 + O )
16. Which is Malaysia’s deposit insurance
      Simple present tense ( S + V1 + O )
17. Malaysian lenders had been coming to the agency
      Past perfect continous tense ( S + Had+ been + Ving + O)
18. The PDIM has set its annual premium rates from 0.05 percent to 0.4 Percent
       Present perfect tense ( S + Have / has + V3 + O)
19. Currently there are 27 commercial banks and 21 islamic banks operating in the country
       Simple present continous  tense ( S + To be  (Is/am/are) + Ving + O )
20. Lee said that banks might need to invest more in information technology
      Simple Past Tense ( S + V2 + O+Adv. Of time)

Rabu, 02 Januari 2019

Inquirry Letter and Order Letter

Inquiry Letter

PT. Agan Sukses Sendiri

24 Jasmin Street
Malang , East Java
                                                                                                                        14th November 2017

PD. Indo Autozone
Jl. Hibrida Raya Blok PE 10 No.27
Kelapa Gading Permai, Jakarta Utara, 14250
Subject: Request for Product Information                                                                                                                            
Dear  Marketing Staff  of  PD. Indo Autozone
I am Supplier Divison of PT. Agan Sukses Sendiri , a residential Company located in Malang, and we were interested in your industrial and heavy equipment
We would like to know the Details of your Product so we would like to ask you
1. Details of  your product
2. Terms of payment
3. Price list.
If  the quality is satisfactory and the terms are reasonable, we will place a large order soon. Could you give us details of discount and the fastest delivery please.
We hope to receive your reply soon.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs. Istianah

Reply for Inquiry Letter

PD. Indo Autozone
Kelapa Gading
North Jakarta

4th Desember 2017
PT. Yanee Sukses Sendiri
65 Kintamani 5 Street
Malang, East Java

Dear Madam,

Re: Request for Catalogue
Thankyou for your inquiry letter of 14th November 2017 and interested in our advertisement.
As requested, we enclose herewith the latest illustrated catalogue together with price list and the terms of payment. Dispatch of product will be sent after we receive your order letter in two weeks and we could give 4% cash discount in 30 days from invoice date.
We are looking forward to your order soon.

                                                                                                            Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                            Mr. Faizal Izzat
                                                                                                         Marketing Manager

Order Letter

PT . Agan Sukses Sendiri
Jl. Jasmin  No.116
Semper Barat
Jakarta , 14270 , Indonesia
Phone : (021) 498263474
Jakarta, December 21th  2018

To :
PD. Indo Autozone
Jl. Hibrida Raya Blok PE 10 No.27
Kelapa Gading Permai, Jakarta Utara, 14250
No.  66 / DA / AI / 32 / 2018
Subject :  request / order for heavy equipment
Thankyou for your respond by sent us your Quotation and price list , we are glad to confirm our first order to your company for the following items
1.      4 Forklift
2.      1 Bulldozer
3.      5 Crane
Thus , the order letter for the supply of the Heavy equipment is made . we’re looking for your respond so we can arrange  the payment methods . for your time and  kind attention . Thankyou

Best Regards


Reply Order Letter

PD. Indo Autozone
Jl. Hibrida Raya Blok PE 10 No.27
Kelapa Gading Permai, Jakarta Utara, 14250

Jakarta, December 24th  2017
PT . Agan Sukses Sendiri
Jl. Jasmin  No.116
Semper Barat
Jakarta , 14270 , Indonesia
Phone : (021) 498263474

Manager fo PT. Agan Sukses Sendiri
We would like to inform you that we can fulfill the heavy equipment your company ordered .
These are the detail of the equipment with the price for you to confirm .
Heavy Equipment

For  more Information  we can Present to you Via Direct Meeting , thankyou for your Cooperation.

Your Faithfully


Application letter and Curriculum Vitae

Wednesday, January 29th  2018

To : HRD Department
Sudirman Street VII/15
South Jakarta

Dear Sir,
According to the advertisement about vacancy in your company, I feel I have the necessary qualification needed for the position that you advertised in your company.
Kindly please allow me to apply a position:
Accounting and Finance Staff.
I am 20 years old, innovative, energetic, highly ambitious, and good leadership. I am a college student from Accounting Department, Gunadarma University with GPA 3.25 (scale 4).
I have been usual work in a team and in organization. I can learn anything fast with initiative and great will to succeed. I am certain it all can be useful to work well in this company, and I would appreciate if you give me the opportunity to discuss my qualification in person.

For detail, I enclosed a:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Academic Transcript
3. Recent Photograph

Hopefully I may have the opportunity of proving my capability by being granted an interview.
Thank you for your kind attention.

Yours faithfully,


                                                             Curriculum Vitae